Title:Translational metabolomics in cancer research.
Author:Nathaniel W Snyder,Clementina Mesaros & Ian A Blair
Journal: Biomark Med
Keywords: cancer、cancer diagnosis、diagnostic biomarkers、lipidomics、liquid chromatogr-aphy-mass spectrometry、NMR spectroscopy、prognostic biomarkers、untargeted metabolon-mics targeted metabolomics.
Over the last decade there has been a bottleneck in the introduction of new validated cancer metabolic biomarkers in o clinical practice. Unfortunately, there are no biomarkers with adequate sensitivity for the early detection of cancer, and there remain a reliance on cancer antigens for monitoring treatment. The need for new diagnostics has led to the exploration of untargeted metabolomics for discovery of early biomarkers of specific cancers and targeted metabolomics to elucidate mechanistic aspects of tumor progression. The successful translation of such strategies to the treatment of cancer would allow earlier intervention to improve survival. We have reviewed the methodology that is being used to achieve these goals together with recent advances in implementing translational metabolomics in cancer.